‘The Proposal of Dreams’ by Your Yorkshire Wedding Florist


When you choose me as your Yorkshire wedding florist, you’ll quickly discover that ‘bespoke’ blooms into a whole new meaning with Dittany Entwined. It all begins with our consultation and what has fondly been called The Proposal of Dreams, a highly detailed and immersive vision of how your wedding florals will look that allows you to truly connect with your design. Curating sculptural floral art for you is my pleasure, and these important first stages allow you to share in the excitement and joy of what will blossom into life on your wedding day.

Yorkshire Wedding couple. All white bridal bouquet

Married Couple. Bride holding all white bouquet full of hydrangea, roses and spring flowers. Image by Love Francesca Photography

I take the personalisation of your bespoke wedding flowers very seriously and, after the initial contact stage and confirmation that I am available on your wedding date, we’ll start on the process of foraging for inspiration. There is a fee for our consultation (this serves as your deposit if you go ahead and book) because it really goes deeper than the surface, and far beyond just finding images on Pinterest to adapt. We’ll spend an hour and a half together and really explore who you are as a couple, the things you love and what’s important to you. Everything matters; your favourite moments together; your love for interior design and art; where you’re heading for your honeymoon, and anything else that shows me your style.

Digital drawing of a spring bridal bouquet. Drawn,designed and painted by lead floral designer Nicola Robson of Dittany Entwined floral design

One of the most important elements for me as your Yorkshire wedding florist is connection, and getting to the heart of who you really are. It’s how I ensure your bespoke floral design grows into something that just drips with your personality, and feels like it could only ever be yours.


After our call I’ll begin work on your Proposal of Dreams. The proposal is specifically designed to be as detailed and visual as possible, and allow you to imagine exactly how things will look on your wedding day. Attention to detail is key, and your proposal is as true to reality and transparent as possible. I will always obtain measurements from your wedding venue and ascertain what can be achieved in your spaces, meaning that the sketches, images and pricing breakdown are highly accurate. 

Images of Dittany Entwined wedding flower proposals. Wedding flower quotes.

Images of dittany entwined proposals. Our wedding flower proposals our able to be viewed on desk tops, laptops, tablets and smart phones. They are also stored on your own personal portal on our website.

The great beauty of these true-to-life proposals is that you can immerse yourself in how your bespoke florals will look and feel on the day, and build excitement for the big reveal. Inclusions such as hand painted and digital visual designs, details about focal flower choices and consideration of the sensory experience really elevate this stage of the process. No two proposals are ever the same, simply because no two couples are. 

Just as you try on your wedding dress, taste your menu and see samples of your stationery ahead of the big day, so too should you be able to see your bespoke florals come to life before your wedding. This way, the only surprise on the big day will be just how playfully impactful, delicately fragrant and luxuriously curated your blooms are. 

If you’re feeling the excitement flourishing and want to confirm that I’m the right Yorkshire wedding florist for you, contact me through this form to plant the first seed. We’ll start with that all-important connection, and discover the power of flowers together.

Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.” – Orson Welles

Sentimental Wedding Flowers: Designed with Love